Monday, June 18, 2012

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Saturday morning snuggles

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

PKU Normal

The results of the state screening came back normal!!

Praise God!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

No news is good news

I know since we have gotten home I have neglected my blog writing.  We really have had nothing new to share.  We are home and are settling in to our new normal.

The boys still love Evangelynn!  They love holding her and telling her good morning and Asher loves to tell her "Hi-ee" over and over again.  I have a hard time keeping track of what day it is since I'm up during the night every three hours nursing.  I was talking to Danielle yesterday and it made me tired to think of how little sleep I'm actually getting. 

Evangelynn did give us a scare last week when the pediatrician called and said we needed to come in right away!  Her PKU screening that is done by the state came back borderline normal so they wanted to re-do the test and send her to Children's for some additional blood work.  The blood work at Children's was looking for symptoms of the borderline condition and it came back normal.  Also, one of the symptoms would be Evangelynn not waking up to eat (we don't have that problem) and her losing weight.  On Monday we went back for a weight check and she actually gained weight and was up to 6 pounds!  We are now waiting the re-screening results to come back, but her doctors seem confident they will be normal.

I had a few quiet moments to write this because Asher has re-taken up his morning nap.  Now I'm going to go enjoy the rest of this quiet with a cup of instant coffee (better than no coffee) and an apple fritter.

Have a good day!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ethan's lunch

Last Monday I was still in the hospital (unexpectedly) and Philip had to make Ethan's lunch for school.  After assembling all of the items Philip called Ethan over and asked, "Is this how Mommy packs your lunch?"  Ethan replied, "Yes, except she doesn't put Swiss Cake Rolls in it."

I have a feeling Ethan will be requesting that Daddy make his lunch in the future!

Bath time

The other adults in the family chose to go to McKay's this afternoon, but for over three days I've been wanting to give Evangelynn a bath.  Instead of waiting I enlisted Ethan's help as a photographer.  I think he did a great job!