I've been tagged by Brandi and Janet to do the following:
1. Choose the 4th picture folder on my computer (there were no pictures in my "fourth folder" so I choose the "My pictures" folder)
2. Choose the 4th picture
3. Explain the picture
4. Tag 4 people to do the same.
This is a picture of our Christmas card last year. From top left these are:
- Philip and Ethan wearing a shirt that says "Daddy's Team"
- Ethan with a LSU hat on (I'm sad that it no longer fits)
- Our first (and so far only) trip to the Great Smoky Mountains as a family
- A pregnant version of me at the Atlanta aquarium from my road trip last June
- Philip and I at our first UT football game (vs. our Alma mater ULL)
- Ethan in his walker
- A family picture of our first picnic (also taken in the Smokies)
- One of my favorite pictures of Ethan (~6 months)
- Ethan and I at Halloween
I tag:
1. Danielle Stelly
2. Allison Harris
3. Ryan Milani
4. Cara Knapp
I promise to make a real post soon. Here are the things you can look forward to:
- Pictures from Halloween
- Ethan is really developing his dancing skills (video to follow)
- Quaschnick reunion in Ohio for Thanksgiving
- The Boudreauxs are coming up for Christmas
- Philip and I are going to get to go to Colorado in January for a ski/business trip and Danielle is flying up to watch Ethan for a portion of the time we are gone (7 days).