Sunday, March 25, 2012

The first good report!

So far the news from the NICU has been, "She's not better, but she's not worse.". Right before we left Evangelynn her breathing had climbed again and I describe her breathing as "chuffing" (this is not a medical term, I got it from the cute book Otis).

Anyway, this morning I talked to her nurse and she said that her breathing has slowly calmed from 120 to average around 70-80 and her oxygen has stayed down in the 30s. She even tried her oxygen down at around 21 last night which is the lowest setting it has ever been on and is the same as room air. Finally, her chest X-ray looks much better then when she first arrived and her lungs are sounding clear with the exception of one very small "diminished" area on her upper right side.

Now, I will say that this particular NICU nurse also gave us two rules about the NICU. The first was, never trust a NICU baby, meaning they can get worse just as fast as they got better. The second was don't panic unless you see her panicking (which thankfully has not happened).

Thank you all for your prayers. We rest in the fact that our Father has perfect timing and that he is in control of all things, including little baby lungs and platelets that he knit together inside of me.


"We're not doubting that God will do the best for us, we're wondering how painful the best will turn out to be."-C.S. Lewis


Anonymous said...

What a great way to start off a Sunday! Tell Evangelynn the Jawdy's are praying for only good news from here on out.

Sara said...

Bridgette, I am praying for you all and knowing our Sovereign Lord has His hands on her right now. I pray you all have rest during this time as well, and are able to feel His embrace too. I look forward to meeting her next time I am in Knoxville.

PS, I like the CS Lewis's a favorite of mine as well.

Bridgette said...

Sara, I'm pretty sure I stole that quote from you back when we first got pregnant! I look forward to you meeting her.